IaC - Litmus7 Systems Consulting Ltd.


Automation of infrastructure, called Infrastructure-as-code(IaC), is a method of provisioning and managing information centers through machine-readable definition files, instead of physical hardware configuration or interactive configuration tools.

Infrastructure, as code IaC approaches, is often associated and promoted for cloud computing, which is typically marketed as Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas). But it is not the same.
IaC mainly a customized definition of infrastructure depending on the specific needs for a business. There are many tools that can help you automate your infrastructure mainly classified as “configuration management” tools.

Configuration management tools like Chef, Puppet, Ansible and the others on this list help configure the software and systems on this infrastructure that has already been provisioned. 

Configuration orchestration tools, which include terraform and AWS CloudFormation etc., are designed to automate the deployment of servers and other infrastructure.

An ideal IaC will be a perfect blend of the two.

Case Study

IaC to host Magento2 Microservices on AWS


The client needed a tool that could orchestrate infrastructure across AWS for a microservices application developed on Magento 2.0


  • Created an IAC with Terraform and Jenkin
  • Used auto scaling group on multiple availability zones to achieve higher availability. 
  • Configured user data script on ECS cluster for Magento deployment

Benefits delivered

Reduced the infrastructure deployment time to 20 minutes